
This building has been designed with significant contemporary influence and hosts a very modern appearance with its use of colour blocking. The strong, opposing “L” shaped brows break up the massing of the building and draw interest to several sections of the building. The two larger brows define the townhouse-style condos and frame the entrance, which lays in between. Raised patios with small yards soften the modern appearance and create welcoming entrances at the ground level.

Above the third storey, the building steps back to reduce the prominence of the structure at the pedestrian level. This was an important design consideration as the site is located adjacent to the Active Transportation Corridor along Cawston Avenue. The stepped massing allowed for the creation of large patios for the third floor units, creating that extra bit of space so coveted by growing families. A park with a playground is located at the rear of the building and adds to the friendly, family oriented design.

Efficient energy use was another factor in the design of this building, and thoughtful consideration extended to glazing and an expansive solar array that covers the roof of the building.